
Thursday, November 20, 2014

No-Poo Hair Wash in a Shampoo World

With the plethora of information about the many no-poo methods, I wanted to share my personal no-poo mix. You know, to add to the plethora of information.

My mix is pretty simple. I use four ingredients (other than water) and use them a little differently each time and sometimes I’ll just leave something out all together (ok, this is usually when I run out).
I use Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), raw honey, Aloe Vera gel, and lavender essential oil.
This time I made sure to make it the “right” way so that I could take pictures!

So without further ado, my no-hair wash recipe:

Step 0 (this one is optional): Warm up some water. This step is optional because it’s not really necessary, but it does make mixing the honey in a lot easier. It doesn’t need to be boiling, just a little warmer than faucet can provide.

Step 1: Measure your water. A little more than half of your mixture should be water. I make 10 oz. at a time and use about 6 oz. water.

Step 2: Add honey.In my mixture, I use about a 1:3 ratio with water (so with 6 oz., I used 2 tbsp.) Make sure you’re using raw honey. If it doesn’t say raw, there’s a chance it may be cut with corn syrup and I don’t know about you, I don’t want corn syrup in my hair. I first learned about honey washes from The Hippy Homemaker (one of my favorite blogs for natural beauty) and she led me to Empowered Sustenance (who eventually led me to Morrocco Method, but we’ll get to that). Lauren convinced me to try honey as a no-poo because the way she described her hair was very similar to mine. I was just starting my no poo journey then and need a starting place and honey was that place!

Step 3: Add apple cider vinegar. I used about 2 oz. (in 10 oz. total). I’ve found this to be a good amount for me, especially when mixed with everything else. But remember, everyone’s hair is different so trying different ratios can make world of difference in your hair.

Step 4: Add aloe vera gel. I used about 1 oz. of this. I ended up using aloe vera gel by accident, kind of. I made a batch of The Hippy Homemaker’s Hair Cleansing Mud, which uses aloe vera gel. That recipe was a little time consuming and ingredient intense for me, so I decided to try what would become the recipe you’re reading right now. I decided to throw the aloe vera gel in as well, just because I had it and I wanted another cleansing agent to go with the honey. I’ve liked my results so far, but once I run out, I think I’ll try it without the gel to see what the difference is.

Step 5: Add essential oils. This is also optional and you can use whatever ones you want (not just lavender).  Lavender is my go-to oil for most things, but hair products especially. There are many amazing benefits of using lavender in your hair. And it smells amazing, which is always good.

Step 6: Add to your container. I use a 10 oz. glass oil cruet. The slow pour spout makes it easy to apply to my hair. 10 oz. tastes me about 3-4 washes. There’s no humidity where I live and since it’s been colder, I haven’t had any trouble with mold. But I do know that some people do and prefer to make one washes worth at a time. This recipe is pretty simple and can be wiped up while your water is heating up!

Step 7: Wash away! I always like to to give the bottle a little shake before using it, just to make sure everything is incorporate before it goes on my hair.

In the future, I will make a post of my full hair care routine, but for now, here’s my no-poo hair cleansing recipe. Comment or link to yours below and let’s get no-pooing!

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